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Windshield Warranties and Use and Care

Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s CoolFlo Windshield Warranty

The following terms and conditions constitute the sole warranty made by Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. regarding CoolFlo Windshields (the “Product”). All hardware, fasteners and any other component of the CoolFlo Windshield, other than the polycarbonate windshield panels, will be covered by a ONE YEAR Limited Warranty. The polycarbonate windshield panels will be covered under a THREE YEAR Limited Warranty. In all cases, Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s sole liability and Buyer’s sole remedy shall consist of Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s replacing the defective Product, component, fasteners or any other component or refunding the purchase price, at Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s option as discussed herein. This warranty shall not apply to any Product, hardware, fasteners or any other component improperly installed, maintained or used in an inappropriate application. Failure of Product due to incomplete or incorrect Buyer-supplied information shall not be warranted. Notwithstanding any other provision in this warranty or elsewhere to the contrary, Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s liability, for any cause whatsoever, shall not exceed the purchase price of the Product in question. Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. shall not be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, arising at any time or for any cause whatsoever. In no event shall this warranty cover the cost of removal, reinstallation, transportation and handling, or similar costs. All warranties begin on the date of sale to Buyer and are not transferrable beyond the original Buyer at the consumer level. Buyer must notify Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. within 30 days of an alleged defect or this warranty shall be void. This warranty shall not apply unless Buyer returns defective material and proof of purchase to Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. prior to the expiration of the warranty.

Subject to the conditions and definitions contained herein, if the Product breaks (i), incurs coating failure (ii), exhibits excessive increased haze due to loss of abrasion resistance (iii) or exhibits excessive yellowing or loss of light transmission (iv), in each case within one (1) year from the date of sale due to a manufacturing defect, then the Buyer will receive free replacement Product. If replacement Product cannot be provided within fourteen (14) days, Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. may opt to refund the original Product purchase price minus the adjusted cost in lieu of producing replacement Product. If the product breaks (i), incurs coating failure (see Coating Failure (ii) below), exhibits excessive increased haze due to loss of abrasion resistance (see Abrasion Resistance (iii) below) or exhibits excessive yellowing or loss of light transmission (see Yellowing and Light Transmission (iv) below) in each case after one (1) year and before three (3) years from the date of sale due to a manufacturing defect, then Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. will replace the material at a cost to the purchase of 1/36th of the original cost for each month from the date of sale until the failure occurred. If a replacement Product cannot be provided within fourteen (14) days, Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. may opt to refund the purchase price minus the adjusted cost in lieu of providing a replacement product.

CONDITIONS This warranty applies only when the Product is used under normal equipment operation and should not be depended upon or used as a safety device, unless explicitly stated as such. Manufacturer or reseller assumes no liability for personal injury or equipment damage, either consequential or direct, as the result of use or installation of product. User assumes all risk. User should carefully read all instructions prior to any product installation. This warranty only applies if the Product is cleaned, installed and used according to Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. recommendations. This warranty does not cover (re)installation expenses or any other direct or indirect loss(es) which may result from the product failure. Breakage (i): The warranty against breakage applies only to Product installed, and cleaned according to Rockin’ A Interiors Inc.’s recommendations. The Product is stronger than acrylic and resists impact, abuse, and vandalism. However, no material can be described as unbreakable, for it is impossible to account for all types of usage. Thus, the product is warranted against breakage due to a manufacturing defect only. Any breakage incurred as a result of abuse, vandalism, or accident, voids the warranty. Coating Failure (ii): The warranty against coating failure applies when the abrasion-resistant surface treatment exhibits flaking of the surface treatment or loss of adhesion between the surface treatment and the substrate sheet, either of which is visibly detectable without the aid of instruments. Abrasion Resistance (iii): The coated sheet will not exhibit an increase in haze of more than 15%. Criteria: The samples as manufactured shall be abraded according to Test ASTM D 1044 (Taber Abrader) using CS-10F wheels for 100 cycles with a 500 gram load. Yellowing and Light Transmission (iv): The warranty against loss of light transmission applies only to clear transparent (A00) Product with the abrasion resistant surface treatment. The Yellowness Index (YI) of the Product (clear only) cleaned according to the recommendations of Rockin’ A Interiors Inc. shall be less than (<) 5 during a three-year period from the date of sale as determined according to ASTM D 1925 (1977) modified by Bayer MaterialScience LLC as measured with a Hunter Ultrascan spectrophotometer. The light transmission characteristics of the Product cleaned according to the recommendations of Rockin’A Interiors Inc. shall not decrease (from initial manufactured value) by more than 5% during a three-year period from the date of sale when tested by the procedure specified in ASTM D 1003 modified by Bayer MaterialScience LLC. This warranty is limited to excessive yellowing and light transmission losses due to the degradation for the Product and does not cover yellowing or light transmission losses due to dirt, atmospheric particulate deposits, abrasion or changes in the physical structure of the Product. Nor does this warranty cover exposure to adverse or hazardous chemical or environmental substances or conditions as determined by Bayer MaterialScience LLC (including but not limited to those identified in the Bayer MaterialScience LLC Fabrication Guide). You should be aware that all Products used outdoors are subject to irreversible deposits of atmospheric elements and can be expected to show signs of hazing eventually. Regular, proper cleaning will significantly reduce, but not eliminate, that process (see reverse side for cleaning and maintenance instructions). This warranty does not cover hazing caused by physical abuse including failure to clean according to the instructions on the reverse side.


Rockin’A Interiors, Inc. 839 Highway 2, Corinth MS 38834 tele: 662-462-4222

Cleaning Procedures & Cleaning Agents

The proprietary UV and abrasion resistant surface coating on the CoolFlo Windshield significantly improves long-term performance. Periodic cleaning using proper procedures and use of compatible cleaners is recommended to prolong service life. For general cleaning, it is recommended that the following instructions and cleaning agents be used.


  1. Wash with a mild solution of soap or detergent such as Joy® or Palmolive Liquid® and lukewarm water.
  2. Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently wash the sheet to loosen dirt and grime and rinse well with clean water.
  3. To prevent water spotting, thoroughly dry with chamois or cellulose sponge.
  4. Avoid the use of abrasive cleaners, squeegees and/or other cleaning implements that may scratch or gouge the coating.

To remove labels, stickers, etc., the use of kerosene or VM&P naphtha is generally effective. If the solvent will not penetrate sticker material, apply heat (hair dryer) to soften the adhesive and promote removal.

IMPORTANT: If a material is found to be incompatible in a short-term test, it will usually be found to be incompatible in the field. The converse, however, is not always true. Favorable performance is no guarantee that actual end-use conditions have been duplicated, therefore, these results should be used as a guide only and it is recommended that the products be tested under actual end-use conditions by the user.

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