Trail Armor CanAm Defender HD5, Defender HD7, Defender HD8, Defender HD9, Defender DPS HD10, Defender Max HD7, Defender Max HD8, Denfender Max HD9, Defender Max HD10 iMpact A-Arm Guards
Break bad on the trail, ride the most buggy-busting terrain you can find - Trail Amor's a-arm guards for the Can Am Defender can take the iMPACT! Made of the same 1/2" Supertough polymer we make our skid plates out of, these are by far the toughest, best designed and coolest a-arms on the market. Guards have three sided protection of your front and rear CV boots - front, rear and bottom - and mount easily with no drilling required. All mounting hardware and simple photo-documented installation instructions are included. WILL FIT THE STRAIGHT A-ARM GUARDS ONLY, WILL NOT FIT THE FACTORY ARCHED A-ARM GUARDS. SEE ALSO FITS IN GALLERY FOR FULL LIST OF MAKE AND MODEL FITMENTS. These front A-arm guards are not large enough to engrave upon and so have a Trail Armor logo sticker. Picture of tri-colored guards below are to show what the colored edges will look like.